picture of Arthur Campello
Arthur Campello

I am a graduate researcher specializing in experimental material studies, using data science to reveal causal relationships and correlations in high dimensions. My primary focus is analyzing neutron data to study quantum spin liquid behavior in magnetically frustrated crystals. I also investigate enhancements of bulk superconductivity in compressed mixtures of powdered crystals. In addition to my work in materials, I am engaged in applied statistics research, delving into density estimation and machine learning techniques, with a particular focus on binary variables in high-dimensional spaces.

Selected Papers

Density Estimation on the Binary Hypercube using Transformed Fourier-Walsh Diagonalizations

In Review (Preprint on ArXiv)

Testing for the continuous spectrum of x-rays accompanying inner-shell electron photoejection

Published in Physical Review A

Confirmation and variability of the Allee effect in Dictyostelium discoideum cell populations

Published in Physical Biology

Bragg Diffraction Transmission Microscopy Using Highly Monochromatic X-rays

Published in Advances in X-ray Analysis

Selected Courses

Stanford University

Deep Learning | CS 230 (using TensorFlow)

Advanced Statistical Theory | STATS 314A

Bayesian Statistics | STATS 270

Random Processes on Graphs and Lattices | STATS 221

Electrons and Photons | APPPHYS 201

Cornell University

Data Mining and Machine Learning | STSCI 4740

Computational Physics | PHYS 4480

Statistical Mechanics | PHYS 4488

Networks II: Market Design | ECON 3825

Cross Section and Panel Econometrics | ECON 4110


Ambitious first-years catch the research bug

Recognition of my research during my first year of studies

D-line sample robot serves first user group

Report on sample changing robot I helped design and construct

X-Ray Raman spectroscopy at CHESS

Report on x-ray spectrometer I helped design and construct

Upgrade of VBPMs at C-, F- and G-line

Report on beam monitor (C-line) I designed and assembled